View Poll Results: Are they changing the cellos?
Wait for the people in white to pick you up.
It's happening but the don't want you to notice.
My cigars don't come in cello.
Voters: 56. You may not vote on this poll
jwillm 07:45 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Wait.... your Cuban's have cello on them?
No...I don't care for CCs, so I don't get them often. But I know the majority of the folks here do, so I was just asking. But now that you mentioned it, I can't think of a single CC I've had with cello. Please excuse my ignorance.

elderboy02 07:46 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by jwillm:
No...I don't care for CCs, so I don't get them often. But I know the majority of the folks here do, so I was just asking. But now that you mentioned it, I can't think of a single CC I've had with cello. Please excuse my ignorance.
Ok. I was going to say that if your Cuban's had cello on them, then you need to PM me because you are getting fakes.
pnoon 07:49 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Ok. I was going to say that if your Cuban's had cello on them, then you need to PM me because you are getting fakes. :-)
That is totally wrong, Dan.
wayner123 07:53 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Ok. I was going to say that if your Cuban's had cello on them, then you need to PM me because you are getting fakes. :-)
Some Cubans do have cello. Just for clarification. Also some shops in the UK put cello on the Cubans sold as singles.
elderboy02 07:55 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by pnoon:
That is totally wrong, Dan.
Originally Posted by wayner123:
Some Cubans do have cello. Just for clarification. Also some shops in the UK put cello on the Cubans sold as singles.
Which current production cigars have cello on them?
pnoon 07:57 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Which current production cigars have cello on them?
La Flor de Cano immediately comes to mind
elderboy02 07:58 AM 05-25-2011
But what Trevor's site doesn't tell you is that there is still quite a bit of the cello'd stock available.
massphatness 08:25 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by T.G:
But what Trevor's site doesn't tell you is that there is still quite a bit of the cello'd stock available.
And I'm waiting for some.
elderboy02 08:26 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by T.G:
But what Trevor's site doesn't tell you is that there is still quite a bit of the cello'd stock available.
Correct. But the OP was talking about cello changing recently.
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Correct. But the OP was talking about cello changing recently.
Seemed pretty obvious that he was talking about NCs.
elderboy02 08:31 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by T.G:
Seemed pretty obvious that he was talking about NCs.
Yeah, I knew that. I was just trying to help out jwillm and then we got on this discussion. Sorry for the thread jack OP.
It's not a bad thing Dan, hopefully some of those who are newer to CCs who might run across this thread will gain something from the conversation.
MidnightMonkey 10:42 AM 05-25-2011
I think the main difference I've noticed is whether or not they're using true cellophane made from cellulose which is a natural material or whether they use cheap plastic wrappers.
bobarian 11:44 AM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by MidnightMonkey:
I think the main difference I've noticed is whether or not they're using true cellophane made from cellulose which is a natural material or whether they use cheap plastic wrappers.
I have never seen a plastic wrapper on any cigar in the shops I frequent. Please elaborate.
FWIW, although there are still some Cuban cigars available in cello, these are primarily pre-2002 machine mades. There are no machine made cigars currently being made in Cuba, even LFDC are hand made and without cello.
tedrodgerscpa 11:55 AM 05-25-2011
Last H.Upmann Puritos I smoked had cello on them. Who knows, they may have been vintage, but I doubt it.
I admit, I am splitting hairs here
Otherwise, I concur. Hand made Cuban cigars of recent production do not have cello that I know of (can't remember if the LDFC Selectos do, but the LFDC PCs do not)
bobarian 12:01 PM 05-25-2011
Originally Posted by tedrodgerscpa:
Last H.Upmann Puritos I smoked had cello on them. Who knows, they may have been vintage, but I doubt it.
I admit, I am splitting hairs here :-)
Otherwise, I concur. Hand made Cuban cigars of recent production do not have cello that I know of (can't remember if the LDFC Selectos do, but the LFDC PCs do not)
You may be right Ted. I have never smoked a club or purito.
MarkinAZ 12:01 PM 05-26-2011
Originally Posted by sikk50:
But is it just me or have a lot of manufacturers started using cello that feels a lot thinner and chinsier recently?
So, I purchased a San Lotano Habano robusto and Padron 3000 Nat (don't ask me why I purchased the Padron. Guess I was just hoping it would've been better that the last time I tried one) a couple a days ago that were both cello'd. Cello on both appeared to be thick from these two different companies. Maybe the same vendor services both regarding the sales of the cello?...:-)