GolfNut 05:12 PM 05-06-2011
I've use SiteDelux SiteBuilder in the past with absolutely no problems. Quick & easy. Now, trying to set up a simple new site and I can NOT get anything to work on it.
If anyone here has recent experience with this program, let me know. I've already tried their help desk, but didn't want to wait a week or two for an answer.
PS, if someone can suggest an alternative web site designer that's quick, easy and free lemme know.
shilala 05:41 PM 05-06-2011 has a real easy designer, and you can host your site with them.
It ain't free, but it's fair, and it'll give you everything you want and need, even to build a commercial site. Ppal integration and the works.
GolfNut 10:41 AM 05-10-2011
Well I checked out Homestead. Looked pretty good however the folks at Hypermart finally got back to me and after 3 days of back and forth the site is finally working for me. Some weird stuff, but the customer service people were really awesome to work with. Extremely helpful.
Now I just have to put some time (which I don't have) in on building up the site with more information and pictures and such.
BUT!!! is officially up! It will take some time to get it respectable looking but at least it's there.
shilala 10:43 AM 05-10-2011
Blindjimme 11:17 AM 05-10-2011
Looks good Forrest! You've really taken this somewhere. Congrats