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All Cigar Discussion>Tobacco Candles
DaBear 10:57 PM 04-27-2011
Anyone ever use one of these? I picked one up at work in hopes of being able to smoke a cigar in the house on rainy days without stinkin up the place and having to deal with my roommates complaining, but I'm not sure how effective it'll be with cigar smoke. With my pipe I don't see it not working well, but the sheer volume of the cigar smoke might be a bit much for it.
Bill86 11:01 PM 04-27-2011
Damn I clicked this thread hoping to find candles that smell like cigars. *kicks dirt*
DaBear 11:16 PM 04-27-2011
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Damn I clicked this thread hoping to find candles that smell like cigars. *kicks dirt*
Haha, I believe what you're looking for would just be a cigar with a wick stuck through it. :-)
Bill86 12:45 AM 04-28-2011
Originally Posted by DaBear:
Haha, I believe what you're looking for would just be a cigar with a wick stuck through it. :-)
That would be wonderful!

You might look into an Ozone machine. That's what they use in hotels to get the smoke smell out of rooms that arseholes smoke in when told not to.

This thread might help too
sam a 12:50 AM 04-28-2011
try a lampe berger, they work quite well.
dukeofbluz 01:04 AM 04-28-2011
The "Smoke Odor Exterminator Candles" work great as long as you let them burn for around a hour after you get done smoking. Try the Clothesline fresh scented one.

T.G 01:36 AM 04-28-2011
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Damn I clicked this thread hoping to find candles that smell like cigars. *kicks dirt*
CoreyD 02:07 AM 04-28-2011
I use potpourri and then the air circulation with ceiling fan and window open in my shut bedroom.
RHNewfie 04:10 AM 04-28-2011
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Damn I clicked this thread hoping to find candles that smell like cigars. *kicks dirt*
Too funny!
OHRD 06:54 AM 04-28-2011
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Damn I clicked this thread hoping to find candles that smell like cigars. *kicks dirt*
LOL, Exactly what I was expecting!:-)
DaBear 07:13 AM 04-28-2011
Originally Posted by sam a:
try a lampe berger, they work quite well.
Might end up getting one of those, one of my coworkers uses one, though he uses it more so to cover up the smell of him messing up cooking before the wife gets home.

Originally Posted by dukeofbluz:
The "Smoke Odor Exterminator Candles" work great as long as you let them burn for around a hour after you get done smoking. Try the Clothesline fresh scented one.

Assuming its the one with the two little holes on either side of the wick drilled in and filled with a chemical to combat the smoke then thats what I have. We only carry the strawberry scented ones unfortunately(though it has been making my room smell of strawberries since last night). Thanks for the input.
Ogre 07:46 AM 04-28-2011
I use one and love it. Its the same candles that are sold in pet stores. Just shop online and you can find some good deals on them.
lilwing88 07:51 AM 04-28-2011
Those Smoke Exterminator candles work well. I've seen those around most B&Ms.

These folks make some pretty cool candles too. They work pretty well too.