CigarGuy88 04:47 PM 04-23-2011
Brutus2600 04:48 PM 04-23-2011
I love this cigar...I've only had one but it was awesome! The lancero is just my favorite size in general, so I was pleased to get to try this! Thanks for the review
i can't wait to try this, but the owner of the local shop doesn't carry them
CigarGuy88 05:28 PM 04-23-2011
elderboy02 05:29 PM 04-23-2011
Originally Posted by CigarGuy88:
Famous has them.. as singles as well :-)
just checked, they're out
CigarGuy88 05:36 PM 04-23-2011
Fail on my part.. CI has them as 5 packs tho
Robbot 05:56 PM 04-23-2011
Duke9192 06:01 PM 04-23-2011
Haven't had the 107 Lanceros yet, but the 100 Anos Lanceros is awesome.
Shadow 08:16 AM 04-24-2011
I was able to get two boxes from my local shop, already went through one box. Excellent size for this blend.
burnem 12:07 PM 05-09-2011
Agreed with other posts. Love this stick. Also very interesting how internet discussion helped create a demand for this vitola and La Aurora delivered.
Pat1075 02:47 PM 05-09-2011
I've been a big fan of these myself. All told though they are no replacement for the cien anos
burnem 06:52 PM 05-09-2011
Originally Posted by Pat1075:
I've been a big fan of these myself. All told though they are no replacement for the cien anos
If you mean the lancero I wholeheartedly agree.
Pat1075 10:23 PM 05-09-2011
I mean the line as a whole but especially the lancero. I understand and aprove of the end of the cien anos line (running out of tobacco and staying honest about it). But I dont think the 107 should have been played up as the replacement for the cien anos.
burnem 10:50 PM 05-09-2011
Yeah, great that they were honest but the two don't really compare.
My reccomendation is to post your review and then a link to your blog that offers more reviews. This is a
review forum, not a "link to my blog" forum. I am not saying people will not be interested in your blog,
but it is in poor taste to post your "review" in the manner you did. I am also only one person in a huge forum,
so take my advice for what it's worth.....Now, lemme go read it.