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General Discussion>Any Commercial Electricians???
awsmith4 03:52 PM 04-21-2011
I am staring at an invoice and was wondering if any commercial electricians could let me know what is generally charged per hour. Thanks in advance
pnoon 03:54 PM 04-21-2011
Gary (Cort) is an electrician. Shoot him a PM, Albert.
Posted via Mobile Device
awsmith4 03:58 PM 04-21-2011
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Gary (Cort) is an electrician. Shoot him a PM, Albert.
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks Peter!
RGD. 09:31 PM 04-21-2011
Couple of years ago as part of the remodeling here I hired an electrician to install a new circuit panel (two actually) and rewire a little over half of my house to bring it and the new kitchen up to code - and install a whole house generator.

Interviewed four different companies and went with the guy who seemed to know more than me - plus he is very local to me.

Anyway - his rate was just above the average of them all and it ran me anywhere from $200 to $300 per hour depending on if there was one or two guys working. Took them eleven days to complete the project. Total including parts (not including generator) was a little over 26K. On a few days the owner actually did help out but the rate never went over the $300 per hour.

awsmith4 10:26 PM 04-21-2011
Thanks Ron and thanks Gary for PMing me.

After I had the the guy explain why he billed in hours after we had agreed on a price, I understand his stance. I just had to remind him that before just billing he should seek approval for extra work.