The Padron 1926 series were released to commemorate José Padron 75th birthday. In 2002 the series existed of four different sizes, the #6 (4¾x50), the #2 (5½x52 torpedo), the #9 (5¼x56) and the #1 (6¾x54). Later other sizes were added. The series are available in both habano and in maduro wrapper and production is limited to 100.000 cigars a year. I smoked the #2 maduro, which I got from Jorge Padron at the re-launch of the series in The Netherlands a few weeks ago.
The leather like and oily maduro leather looks awesome, I can hardly see veins. The tip of the cigar is different than any other torpedo I have ever seen. The numbered band is great. The construction feels good and the predraw is very good. I taste tobacco and spicy raisin.
I taste coffee with some sweetness and pepper, the flavors are quite spicy. The coffee gets stronger and reminds of even of espresso. After three quarters of an inch I taste leather with some pepper and some sweetness in the aftertaste.
The cigar remains spicy, the flavors are almost Cubanesque. After two thirds I taste pepper with some leather and wood.
This cigar lasted me for an hour and twenty minutes. I got a lot of extreme thick smoke. The draw was great, just like the burn. The pepper and salt colored ash is coarse but firm. This cigar is full flavored and full bodied.
Would I buy this cigar again? YES !! YES !! YES !!
Appearance: 9 / 10
Construction: 8 / 10
Draw: 8 / 10
Burn: 8 / 10
Smoke & ash: 9 / 10
Aroma first part: 8 / 10
Aroma second part: 9 / 10
Aroma third part: 8 / 10