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General Discussion>Very cool Saturn pic
markem 07:32 PM 04-02-2011
This picture was taken in South Australia with a 14 inch telescope (high end of backyard size). Saturn is presently on the opposite side of the sun from the earth, so it makes the rings really stand out. No enhancement was done to this pic, as far as I can find.


details at
jjirons69 07:37 PM 04-02-2011
I have an 8" Orion and it's nothing like this! What a beautiful image! My kids would flip it I could pull up the magnification and resolution in this shot. Hell, I would, too.
markem 07:39 PM 04-02-2011
I also have an 8" and have been considering upping to 12 or 14 for the past two years. Spendy, but pics like this make me think that it may be worth it.
hotreds 08:10 PM 04-02-2011
Bee- you- ti- ful!
TBone 08:14 PM 04-02-2011
Awesome comes to mind...
Skywalker 08:44 PM 04-02-2011
Sweet photo, Mark!

Here is a close up:

mariogolbee 08:48 PM 04-02-2011
Tenor CS 09:02 PM 04-02-2011
Cue the Uranus jokes in 3 .... 2 ... 1.... GO!
Starscream 09:29 PM 04-02-2011
Awesome pic, Mark. Lots of good pics of planets this week. NASA's new pics of Mercury are also awesome.:-)
Steve 07:22 PM 04-07-2011
jmsremax 08:10 PM 04-07-2011