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General Discussion>The Do$Collin$ Guy
architeuthis 10:46 PM 03-31-2011

Didn't quite know where to put this article, but "general" sounded fairly harmless... I found a cigar PR person who was EXTREMELY annoying lately. Here's my article about The Do$Collin$ Guy... It's an example of how NOT to use Social Media!
MurphysLaw 10:50 PM 03-31-2011
I think I unfollowed that guy after a few hours, never had one of their cigars, and never will on principal alone
BTcigars 10:54 PM 03-31-2011
Thank you for bringing this up. On FB, its the same "should of been a Don Collins" type comments. I would actually like to try the cigar for its tobacco but the advertising is turning me off.
Don Fernando 04:24 AM 04-01-2011
one time he posted he was smoking a cigar, @olivaian replied "should have been an Oliva" which made me LOL. I unfollowed that spammer and unfriended him on facebook to due to his spam, glad to see I'm not the only one who felt he was annoying
MurphysLaw 06:37 AM 04-01-2011
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
one time he posted he was smoking a cigar, @olivaian replied "should have been an Oliva" which made me LOL. I unfollowed that spammer and unfriended him on facebook to due to his spam, glad to see I'm not the only one who felt he was annoying
SteveH 07:21 AM 04-01-2011
So I met this guy...His shop is down in Old San Juan, PR. I've had some of his smokes, and they aren't worth the trip or the cost...As they are extremely extremely overpriced.
While I won't go on and on about him personally, I will say that his real-life persona matches his online persona exactly. According to his website, supposedly he's a lawyer, teacher, physicist, etc. I think bull$hit artist, conman, etc etc. are more inline with his business style.