Jokes>Logging in to another cigar forum
replicant_argent 08:59 AM 02-24-2011
and being assaulted by an auto play ad for condoms...
is a JOKE! (and pretty fncking tacky, IMO)
thanks ToE for the nice joint to hang out in.
BC-Axeman 09:00 AM 02-24-2011
But they are a great way to keep your sticks from drying out.
Emjaysmash 09:04 AM 02-24-2011
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
But they are a great way to keep your sticks from drying out.:-)
pnoon 09:11 AM 02-24-2011
What forum could that be?
Posted via Mobile Device
poker 09:55 AM 02-24-2011
Be grateful it didn't include overly loud audio as well.
replicant_argent 10:01 AM 02-24-2011
Originally Posted by poker:
Be grateful it didn't include overly loud audio as well.
It was a full commercial(with audio), with a gal describing sexual positions... Putting the K in Classy.
mmblz 11:39 AM 02-24-2011
what, that's not the name of a new cigar?
Dirty Rat...
Flying Pig...
Ribbed Condom...
pnoon 11:44 AM 02-24-2011
Originally Posted by mmblz:
what, that's not the name of a new cigar? :-)
Dirty Rat...
Flying Pig...
Ribbed Condom...
And no. I don't want to see it on canvas. . . . at ANY price.
Posted via Mobile Device
replicant_argent 11:46 AM 02-24-2011
I was thinking Turgid Member, but didn't want to hurt anyones feelings.
ahc4353 12:13 PM 02-24-2011
The real question here is, why would you even waste a second of your day to log on there?
Kreth 12:14 PM 02-24-2011
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
I was thinking Turgid Member, but didn't want to hurt anyones feelings. :-)
Sounds like a new Acid blend...
Posted via Mobile Device
LasciviousXXX 12:18 PM 02-24-2011
Well, since you don't like condom ads I guess we're not going to give you access into the SUPER secret squirrel part of CA. Condom ads, male enhancement pills and the sale of naked pilates mats are part of the norm in that section of the forum
mscales 12:27 PM 02-24-2011
There is ANOTHER Cigar Forum?
Silound 10:26 AM 02-28-2011
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
But they are a great way to keep your sticks from drying out.:-)
Wait a minute, hold the phone. I have to admit...I have used unlubricated condoms before to keep my cigars DRY while I was surf fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Just drop the cellophane or tubo into the rubber, double tie it tight, and you're good to go.
I would have used a plastic baggie or something, but we didn't have any at the time.
BC-Axeman 12:01 PM 02-28-2011
Originally Posted by Silound:
I would have used a plastic baggie or something, but we didn't have any at the time.
Yeah, baggies are hard to come by sometimes.
I can't believe I just wrote that.