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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Snagged a Dunhill rollalite cheap
cp478 11:50 PM 02-21-2011
Found a unused Dunhill rollalite lighter in an estate shop and snagged it for 40 bucks. Even better it is complete with original box and instructions. And it holds fluid and works beautifully.
cp478 11:51 PM 02-21-2011

Here it is!
cp478 11:53 PM 02-21-2011
Oh , also snagged military field training manuals for the m-1 carbine and m-14.
Got those for free.
Bill86 12:00 AM 02-22-2011
Nice always wondered about those lighters. Give us a review whenever you get around to using it. Maybe pictures of the flame and such, if you wouldn't mind. Nice score though.
sam a 01:28 AM 02-22-2011
very nice pickup! dunhill anything is always a great find.
kelmac07 06:11 AM 02-22-2011
Nice pick-up. :-)
RevSmoke 07:37 AM 02-22-2011
Great lighter - incredible price.

Nice snag.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
zappaFREAK 08:56 AM 02-22-2011
Awesome find.
jdawg 08:56 AM 02-22-2011
Nice deal!
HK3- 09:10 AM 02-22-2011
cp478 09:13 AM 02-22-2011
The lady who sold it to me couldnt believe that I would pay 40 bucks for a lighter. She even remarked that she could buy like 38 gas station lighters with 40 bucks.
So I am definately gonna keep my eyes on her store for more finds.
thecatch83 10:27 AM 02-22-2011
That lighter could be worth twice that. I have an old WWII navy officer lighter that is easily worth 100 bucks.......and it still works!
NCRadioMan 10:44 AM 02-22-2011
Awesome find! Those are fantastic lighters!
mosesbotbol 11:00 AM 02-22-2011
That's a good price! Figure $90 for a service when it needs it and you still got a deal. Does it have a cigar (dual flame) or cigarette tip?

I know of a Dunhill gold trench lighter for $70 BO. I was thinking of offering $45 and see if he bites.
innova 03:01 PM 02-22-2011
Amazing find, definitely keep an eye on that shop. Sounds like you know how to not act too excited about gems when you find 'em :-)
Bill86 04:35 PM 02-22-2011
Damn, you guys are lucky finding Dunhill lighters at those prices. If I saw them for $40-$70 I would own about 3-4 of them.

EDIT if anyone finds those kind of deals and doesn't want to buy them......Let me know I'll pay cash + a nice 5'er for your troubles.
cp478 06:02 PM 02-22-2011
I even left the store without it, went home and looked it up on the internet to make sure.
From what I can find it was made in 1950. I couldnt believe that it was completely unused and still in the box after all those years.
BTcigars 09:50 PM 02-22-2011
Great score!