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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>does anyone have any information on this humidor?
cohiba fiend 03:15 PM 01-29-2011
I purchased this humidor as part of a larger lot at an auction a number of years ago and have not seen anything like it since. it appears to be rosewood. soapstone interior lid and glass interior. the plaque reads:
C.J. McK From R.A.F. any info would be great. I am curious as to what year it was manufactured?
Zeuceone 03:19 PM 01-29-2011
Lumpold 03:27 PM 01-29-2011
Sounds like a retirement present for someone from the Royal Air Force? Given that there's only the barest of name on there, it might be quite difficult to identify...
T.G 03:28 PM 01-29-2011
Without photos, it would be hard to say, although based on what you describe as soapstone (which is probably a ceramic humidifier) and the glass liner it could be about 70 years old, give or take. Glass liner = wartime materials shortage - humidors were often lined with copper or tin in the 30's and prior, but by the 40's, both tin and copper would have been scarce, if available at all due to the materials shortages. That is, if it is, in fact, an antique, rather than a more modern retro piece.

It also sounds like it was a personalized humidor either for or from someone possibly in or retired from the Royal Air Force (UK).

Please head over to the "New Inmate Processing Area" and introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself, your cigar likes/dislikes, smoking experiences, etc.
cohiba fiend 03:36 PM 01-29-2011
working on re-sizing the pictures, be a few moments. thanks
cohiba fiend 03:55 PM 01-29-2011
some pics
Attached: h1.JPG (76.5 KB) h2.JPG (54.4 KB) h3.JPG (58.5 KB) 
kaisersozei 05:52 PM 01-29-2011
Cool looking piece, nice find!
chand 05:58 PM 01-29-2011
Cool box, great find. Hopefully it is original, not a remake.
T.G 06:46 PM 01-29-2011
Originally Posted by cohiba fiend:
some pics

Not exactly what I had pictured in my head, hard to tell on the age based on the small photos.

Almost looks like it might have been a converted wooden box, again, hard to say based on the photos.

Enjoy it for what it is, a unique humidor. With a glass liner and if it has a decent seal, it should hold humidity quite well.
Superbad 07:53 PM 01-29-2011
That is a very cool humidor! :-)
swh127 09:46 PM 01-29-2011
Very nice, and unique.
icehog3 10:33 PM 01-29-2011
Originally Posted by T.G:
Please head over to the "New Inmate Processing Area" and introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself, your cigar likes/dislikes, smoking experiences, etc.
Great idea, welcome to the Asylum.
cohiba fiend 03:26 PM 01-30-2011
I found this on-line:

I think the gentleman was a British civilian was awarded the George Medal according to the article, what a wealth of information the internet is. thanks for the idea.