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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Promise Natural Flame Lighter Review Video
kaelaria 11:20 PM 01-11-2011

This is an all-metal lighter from Promise featuring a natural flame that exits the side, also useful for pipes. It is by no means a high quality unit but is extremely inexpensive. The body is on the small side, and those with large hands such as myself will find it a bit uncomfortable to use for more than 10 seconds at a time. I consider units such as this great alternatives to disposables or ultra cheap plastic units found at little stores. As tested, the flame in this unit lasted 3:15 of usable flame. Video on the site.
Emjaysmash 12:45 AM 01-12-2011
How much does it cost?
kaelaria 01:30 PM 01-12-2011
Just a few bucks