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General Discussion>Kids today have it so rough
hscmit 09:02 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by shvictor:
Remember when the Tonka trucks were real metal with sharp corners?
yep, I loved playing with them
Dave128 09:28 AM 12-27-2010
I had a hand-me-down Erector Set, a black & white tv with no remote control (the only one in the house and I was the remote control most days) and a few real Tonka trucks with those darn metal edges. When I was in 7th or 8th grade (maybe even later in highschool, can't remember), I bought an Atari from my buddy for something like $50 so he could buy a Nintendo.
Mr B 09:39 AM 12-27-2010
Dont forget how cool it was when you got that Walkman that played Cassette tapes. They weighed about a pound and took like 4 AA battery's :-)

Strap that sucker on your belt and you were the man!

shilala 09:43 AM 12-27-2010
When I was that age I got to eat dirt and walk 2 miles to school. Uphill.
Wanger 09:45 AM 12-27-2010
The Atari we had is still at my parents house, and still works, as far as I know. :-)
forgop 09:47 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
When I was that age I got to eat dirt and walk 2 miles to school. Uphill.
Both ways!
RevSmoke 10:21 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
My 6 and 7 year old girls are each getting an iPod touch from their grandmother that I just set up with their own email/iTunes accounts, home wireless access, an assortment of applications/music, and the handy dandy mobileme account info to play a loud beeping noise when they lose them.

When I was their age, I got to play on an Atari.
Dad didn't get us an atari, said it wouldn't work on our black & white TV.
RevSmoke 10:22 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
When I was that age I got to eat dirt and walk 2 miles to school. Uphill.
Well we had to do it in the snow. And mom made our underwear out of old seed bags. (she thought that's where fruit of the loom meant)
pektel 10:30 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by shvictor:
Remember when the Tonka trucks were real metal with sharp corners?
My 3 year old plays with my old tonka truck.

They don't make em like that anymore...
tobii3 10:33 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by :
As far as cost goes an Atari (I'm guessing you had a 2600?) sold for $100 in 1982. That would be about $229.00 in today's money.
The original price was $199.99, not $100, and it was released in 1977. (Those of us who grew up back then knew it down to the penny)

According to the Consumer Price Index, that would make it cost roughly $708 by today's standards.

Helluva cost, now, isn't it?
BloodSpite 11:33 AM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
My 6 and 7 year old girls are each getting an iPod touch from their grandmother that I just set up with their own email/iTunes accounts, home wireless access, an assortment of applications/music, and the handy dandy mobileme account info to play a loud beeping noise when they lose them.

When I was their age, I got to play on an Atari.
My grandfather gave me a block of wood and a Barlow. I thought I was pretty hot stuff with that ensemble.
CasaDooley 01:28 PM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by shvictor:
Remember when the Tonka trucks were real metal with sharp corners?
I still have scars on my hands from the stitches I received from a couple of those Tonka trucks (stitches were a badge of honor when I was a young lad). Where they cool or what! :-)
357 01:40 PM 12-27-2010
Now they have to wear a helmet to wait for the bus.... no wait, that's just certain kids.

I kid I kid..

I remember Coleco Intelivision & Atari 2600 when I was real young. Nintendo was the big one when I was old enough to ask for it for Christmas. All that got lame when I got into PCs. First was our family 286. Wohoo!
pektel 02:12 PM 12-27-2010
I still have my original nintendo. In fact, a couple weeks a go a buddy and I played the original baseball on it, followed up by some Ice Hockey and Double Dragon.

It's the only game system that I'm any good at while drinking :-)
pektel 02:13 PM 12-27-2010
Scratch that. Mario Kart 64 ROCKS while drinking with friends too :-)
DropTheE 03:14 PM 12-27-2010
I think the coolest gift I can remember getting for Christmas was a TOBOR. Robot spelled backwards. It had a little clicker for a remote that would send it turning backwards in a circle until you clicked it again and then it would go forward. It had a top secret briefcase that you could try to pick up with Tobor's left hand.


Broke his antennae the first night I had it!!! Those were the days. Man I really loved playing with that thing.
AD720 04:56 PM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by tobii3:
The original price was $199.99, not $100, and it was released in 1977. (Those of us who grew up back then knew it down to the penny)

According to the Consumer Price Index, that would make it cost roughly $708 by today's standards.

Helluva cost, now, isn't it?
Wasn't that the original Atari?

I was guessing that the OP had the more common Atari 2600, which was down to $100 in the early 80's...but I was but a wee lad then.

But that does reinforce my point about the the Atari being a bigger deal than the iPod. :-)
forgop 05:33 PM 12-27-2010
Originally Posted by AD720:
Wasn't that the original Atari?

I was guessing that the OP had the more common Atari 2600, which was down to $100 in the early 80's...but I was but a wee lad then.

But that does reinforce my point about the the Atari being a bigger deal than the iPod. :-)
I don't remember the exact model number. I just remember that I was probably around 7-8 years old when we got it (probably around '81-'82) as I think it would have been around '85-'86 when we got a commodore 64.

I think my top atari games were pitfall and asteroids.
Smokin Gator 05:44 PM 12-27-2010
I grew up on a cattle farm in the 60s-70s. We never had chit other than lots of cows and a horse or two!!! There was one window unit AC in the house (Florida) and we didn't have TV until I was probably 6-7. Not complaining at all. I wish my kids had the same experiences I had.
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