dwoodward 12:48 AM 12-22-2010
forgop 12:58 AM 12-22-2010
edited by icehog3
icehog3 01:05 AM 12-22-2010
Already edited out two political comments, keep it non-political or this thread is toast.
dwoodward 01:06 AM 12-22-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Already edited out two political comments, keep it non-political or this thread is toast.
:-) It's a true statement. Sure you may not agree with it, but this new "law" the FCC has made will be a footstep towards it.
Ratters 01:08 AM 12-22-2010
Part of it is some good things, but it sets a really bad precident. Either way it should go through congress first though.
icehog3 01:09 AM 12-22-2010
Your comment (that I edited out of the original post),
Originally Posted by :
Basically it sounds like our government wants to turn us into China.
is political.
Maybe a clue right off the get-go is that the link has "politics" right in it. Politica discussion is not permitted on CA. We might have let discussion on the topic go, but your first post made it political. Should I go on?
Bill86 01:10 AM 12-22-2010
I'm not going to read all that but this seems like a big
:-). I likes my internets, I refuse to say anything more so Tom doesn't have to do a lot of editing.
dwoodward 01:11 AM 12-22-2010
Then just delete the thread. How can we discuss this without turning it political. This is a serious move by the FCC and I wanted to make sure everyone was informed as to what our government is doing. For now it looks like their intentions are good, but this is just a footstep in the door for them.
icehog3 01:14 AM 12-22-2010
Originally Posted by dwoodward:
Then just delete the thread. How can we discuss this without turning it political. This is a serious move by the FCC and I wanted to make sure everyone was informed as to what our government is doing. For now it looks like their intentions are good, but this is just a footstep in the door for them.
Exactly. And politcal discussion is prohibited.
I will meet you half way and close it.