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General Discussion>Red lunar eclipse 12/21
pennjones 01:51 AM 12-21-2010
I am outside watching it every 20 minutes or so, but no camera to take a picture. Hopefully you guys get to see this, because it is AWESOME!
Wolfgang 02:26 AM 12-21-2010
computer then postable compression make this fairly unusable. You get the idea ill tinker more later. 2:45AM Eastern

sikk50 02:36 AM 12-21-2010
All I saw were clouds :-)
Wolfgang 02:49 AM 12-21-2010


These could have been so much nicer. I have a Manfrotto tripod and an 80-200 2.8 sitting under the tree but I couldnt open them to use tonight.

Me "Can I please use them then they go right back in the box?"
Dad "no."
Me "But this wont happen again for another 500 years!!!"
Dad "Stop exaggerating"

Zeuceone 03:27 AM 12-21-2010
Man those are still good. Thanks for posting.
babybob2k 07:22 AM 12-21-2010

Thanks so much for posting the schedule! I was afraid I was going to miss this, but I was able to set my alarm and get up for some portions that I wanted to see.


Great pictures! Thank you!
alley00p 08:15 AM 12-21-2010
Great pics!

It was overcast this morning, but the sunrise was great with red clouds. It's a great morning so far!
jesseboston81 08:20 AM 12-21-2010
Glad to see that at least someone got to enjoy the eclipse and snapped some pics. I didn't even bother staying up due to the thick cloud cover we've got over here.
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