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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Had to upgrade!
Ismith75 11:53 AM 12-17-2010
Decided it was too much work to keep running around fighting with mutiple desktops so I finally upgraded to a coolidor. Too proud of it not to show it off!





Beads are in the mail, hygro's are being tested as I speak :-)
Brutus2600 11:55 AM 12-17-2010
Nice! Actually a pretty cool setup with the shelves and stuff.
Springsman 11:57 AM 12-17-2010
awesome...did you use a dremel tool or something to cut the slots?
jesseboston81 12:04 PM 12-17-2010
That looks great! Take another picture for us in three months or so when it's full to the brim and you realize you need something even bigger! :-)
hscmit 12:05 PM 12-17-2010
looks good to me
J0eybb 12:06 PM 12-17-2010
Originally Posted by Springsman:
awesome...did you use a dremel tool or something to cut the slots?
Some coolers already have "slots".
Subvet642 12:09 PM 12-17-2010
Wow, nice work! It's giving me ideas...:-)
TheFool 12:22 PM 12-17-2010
Wow that looks nice! When the time comes that I need a new one I think I'm going to steal some of your ideas here
captain53 12:43 PM 12-17-2010
That is a first class setup! Enjoy!!!!:-)
jmsremax 02:59 PM 12-17-2010
Nice! I love my thick is the cedar on the lid and what did you use to hold it in place? I am thinking about doing the same thing.
Ismith75 03:17 PM 12-17-2010
Originally Posted by jmsremax:
Nice! I love my thick is the cedar on the lid and what did you use to hold it in place? I am thinking about doing the same thing.
It's quarter inch sheet Spanish cedar. I used Loctite Power Grab to secure it, placed clamps on the top while it dried for 24 hours. There is very little odor but I'm going to leave it open for a couple more days just to be sure. :-)
dwoodward 03:28 PM 12-17-2010
Might I suggest taking a few pans with baking soda and placing them in your coolidor and closing the door for a couple days. That should take all the smells right out.
Bubba - NJ 03:31 PM 12-17-2010
Nice looking coolidor . Another one falls down the slope ! :-)
Sancho Fuente 03:54 PM 12-17-2010
Not often you see a cooler set up like that. Very cool. :-)
pektel 03:59 PM 12-17-2010
You gonna leave it vertical like that?

Awesome to see a cedar lined coolerdor. :-)
J0eybb 04:02 PM 12-17-2010
I love the wide cedar. I ordered a bunch of cedar for my cooler, but it was only 4" wide.
MarkinAZ 05:39 PM 12-17-2010
Nice looking set-up Ian. Let's see a photo once you have the hygro, beans, and "other stuff" in there:-)