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General Discussion>Frustrating day
gvarsity 02:41 PM 12-14-2010
Slid on some black ice and rear ended an SUV this am. Was only going maybe 10mph at the time.

No one hurt, no damage to her vehicle, dinged hood, grill and turn signal on my car. Thankfully the kids were not in the car.

All in all about as good an accident as you can have but still just frustrating and a PITA.

Have to find a body shop and get estimates. Probably going to pay out of pocket even though times are tight. Just one more thing I really didn't need to deal with.

Like I said... frustrating.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Bunker 02:42 PM 12-14-2010
Nobody got hurt, that is a positive!
14holestogie 02:43 PM 12-14-2010
Tis the season, unfortunately.

Good to hear nobody was hurt.
Gophernut 02:49 PM 12-14-2010
Sucks. Lots of accidents around here lately.
Ogre 02:52 PM 12-14-2010
Sorry about your day brother!! We all have been there. Good thing nobody was hurt. Good luck with the repairs.
hscmit 02:53 PM 12-14-2010
been there
hope you can soon forget the whole thing
Springsman 03:41 PM 12-14-2010
Time for a smoke.... nothing beats a bad day like a good cigar!
Lucky_Hippo 03:59 PM 12-14-2010
Glad to hear everyone was safe. Good Luck man!
icehog3 04:48 PM 12-14-2010
Glad no one was hurt, Bob....hope your week gets better from here.
kelmac07 06:59 PM 12-14-2010
Gald no one was can only get better brother. :-)
gvarsity 07:47 PM 12-14-2010
Thanks guys. I needed that. Seems like one thing after another lately and I'm fighting feeling ground down. Definitely trying to look on the bright side about this and in general.
MarkinAZ 08:02 PM 12-14-2010
Originally Posted by gvarsity:
Thanks for letting me vent...
No problem Bob. The more important issue is, nobody was injured and everybody walked away just fine. A nice hot shower and let it all wash down the drain. Tomorrows a positive day:-)

RevSmoke 10:08 PM 12-14-2010
Thankfully, nobody was hurt. It is nerve wracking though, and stressful. I'd suggest a favorite libation and a good cigar.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
CigarNut 11:03 PM 12-14-2010
Sorry to hear about your misfortune! I hope everything goes better for you from here on!
CasaDooley 12:32 AM 12-15-2010
I'm glad no one was hurt Bro. Sending good karma your way.:-)