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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>What size Oasis
dwoodward 07:21 PM 12-13-2010
I asked my parents to be very generous and get me a Edgestar for Christmas. I figured since I am spoiling them, maybe they can spoil me. Anyhow, even tho I highly doubt I will get my wish, I have already put money aside for ordering one if I don't get my wish.

So. What size Oasis do you all use for your 28 Bottle Edgestars? I was looking at the Oasis XL. Just wondering if this would be sufficient for the space.
captain53 07:24 PM 12-13-2010
Suggest Beads over Oasis for the cooler. I have Shilala Beads in my Edgestar and they work great.
chippewastud79 07:26 PM 12-13-2010
Too small for active. Beads and you'll be fine. :-)
bishjd123 07:32 PM 12-13-2010
I've got 2 lbs of 65% Heartfelt beads in my 28 bottle Edgestar and it's rock solid. I couldn't ask for a more maintenance free setup.
ninjavanish 07:34 PM 12-13-2010
Yeah. I use 1.5 lbs of beads.

You could use an oasis but its more trouble than it is worth.
kelmac07 07:34 PM 12-13-2010
Shilala beads have been rocking my Edgestar 28 and keeping it rock solid at 64%/62 for over six months. :-)
Eleven 07:43 PM 12-13-2010
Unanimity is your friend.
dwoodward 07:54 PM 12-13-2010
Okay. I will probably go with beads then. I will be using Heartfelt.

So I'll probably order 2 pounds of beads then. Should I get 2 of the 1 pound bags or 4 of the half pound bags and scatter them around?
ninjavanish 08:00 PM 12-13-2010
Originally Posted by dwoodward:
Okay. I will probably go with beads then. I will be using Heartfelt.

So I'll probably order 2 pounds of beads then. Should I get 2 of the 1 pound bags or 4 of the half pound bags and scatter them around?
I actually just went and looked because i forgot that i took out one of my 1/2 lb bags so im running with only one lb and its at 66%

Id say go with smaller bags so you can have more control.
dwoodward 08:06 PM 12-13-2010
Originally Posted by ninjavanish:
I actually just went and looked because i forgot that i took out one of my 1/2 lb bags so im running with only one lb and its at 66%

Id say go with smaller bags so you can have more control.
Are you using 65 or 70 beads?
ninjavanish 08:11 PM 12-13-2010
Originally Posted by dwoodward:
Are you using 65 or 70 beads?
The ones in there are 70
Pat1075 08:16 PM 12-13-2010
2lbs shilala per vino just my take
cricky101 09:39 AM 12-14-2010
I've got about 1.5 lbs of 65% Heartfelt beads split up throughout mine. Works great. Some in bags, some in tubes. Pretty much whatever I had available.