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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>I modified my Oasis
Winnie 11:31 AM 12-04-2010
i got tired of not knowing how much water was left in the tank without opening it or playing guess it's weight. Also, Winnipeg winters are dry, I even put a humidifier on the furnace to help with the battle, but it is definitely tougher to keep the humidity up in the middle of winter, so I finally did this, which I wanted to do since last winter. Not sure if anyone else has done this or not, but so far it is working very well. I can see the levels at a glance, and my tank capacity has gone up about 200% I would guess.

it's a simple idea, but I am very happy with the results.
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BORIStheBLADE 12:08 PM 12-04-2010
Not a bad idea if you have the room.

I would make sure that container is sealed.. I can't tell by your picture though..
68TriShield 12:19 PM 12-04-2010
A quick and easy fix though a open container is not a good idea,I agree.
Winnie 02:23 PM 12-04-2010
i usually keep a cover on it to keep debris out of the water.