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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>unplugged the Vinotemps!
MTB996 03:30 PM 11-14-2010
I have had the Vinotemps for a couple years now and they sort of work.


I have had many struggles with the power bumps resetting the temp causing the humidity to dive and just constant humidity fluctuations, causing dry and/or wet/moldy cigars. I have over 2 pounds of 65% beads in each Vinotemp (1 lb bag on top and 1lb bag on bottom) and a fan that runs 15 min every 2 hours.

So after getting frustrated, I just unplugged the Vinotemps and I couldn't be happier. Over the past 2 weeks, the humidity hasn't moved at all (no surprise with the beads and good door seals on the Vinos) and I think this will work long term.

I had some nasty beetle issues a few years ago, causing me to be religious about freezing new boxes, so I am thinking the warm indoor temps next summer will not be a problem.

Anyone else find the humidity/ temp fluctuations of the Vinos not worth it....
big a 04:29 PM 11-14-2010
I keep mine unplugged also. When the power would go out for a min then come back on it would be set at 54*. I have had no issues with it unplugged at all. I move the cigars around every month along with the beads.
Ashcan Bill 05:09 PM 11-14-2010
I can relate. I used to have similar problems with my old Haiers. When the cooling kicked on it sent the RH all over the place and it took the beads too long to recover. I tried adding thermostats to better control the temperature, but that didn't really help. Then I went to active humidification, but had condensation problems.

I finally stumbled on the perfect solution and bought an Aristocrat. :-)
tenbaseg 05:10 PM 11-14-2010
I unplug mine as soon as the temp drops below 70* in my room. Once the spring comes, it usually goes back on.
Mugen910 05:21 PM 11-14-2010
Originally Posted by tenbaseg:
I unplug mine as soon as the temp drops below 70* in my room. Once the spring comes, it usually goes back on.
Once the fall comes around it gets unplugged for me also.
md4958 06:36 PM 11-14-2010
Vino's have plugs??

tenbaseg 07:41 PM 11-14-2010
Originally Posted by md4958:
Vino's have plugs??

He didn't say "Vin has hairplugs". :-)
Brutus2600 10:17 AM 11-15-2010
Yeah...during the summer my vino runs enough to warrant keeping it plugged in and the temp inside down, but for about a month it hasn't even turned on, so I think I'm unplugging it for the winter to save electricity and yes, in case of a power surge it doesn't reset to 53 degrees :-)