klipsch 10:54 AM 11-05-2010
Long story short...it was my understanding that I was good for another 20 weeks unemployment with the CT DOL (confirmed a few weeks back). I called yesterday just to make sure, and was told that they'll cut my last check this coming Sunday. I was "misinformed earlier"...
Subvet642 11:00 AM 11-05-2010
You're in Pawtucket, have you considered looking for work in Boston? I know it's a haul, but I know people who do it.
klipsch 11:25 AM 11-05-2010
Originally Posted by Subvet642:
You're in Pawtucket, have you considered looking for work in Boston? I know it's a haul, but I know people who do it.
I've worked all around the area. Braintree, Framingham, Putnam, CT...distance has never been an issue. The problem...is that my doctor
s advised me to file for SSDI last year. I can't take even a part time position until it's finalized. I spoke to my attorney this morning, who told me we may hear from a judge within a month or so. At this stage they're requesting a hearing "
on the records" without Social Security involved. If I was to accept a position at this time with my current medical conditions...I could maybe pull it off for a month or so. But I'd most certainly be out of work again soon, and the SSDI claim would start all over again. I originally filed June of last year.
Subvet642 11:38 AM 11-05-2010
Originally Posted by klipsch:
I've worked all around the area. Braintree, Framingham, Putnam, CT...distance has never been an issue. The problem...is that my doctors advised me to file for SSDI last year. I can't take even a part time position until it's finalized. I spoke to my attorney this morning, who told me we may hear from a judge within a month or so. At this stage they're requesting a hearing "on the records" without Social Security involved. If I was to accept a position at this time with my current medical conditions...I could maybe pull it off for a month or so. But I'd most certainly be out of work again soon, and the SSDI claim would start all over again. I originally filed June of last year.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I wish I could offer advice, but I know nothing about such things, so I'll just send positive vibes in your direction. Keep fightin', Bro!
Adriftpanda 11:59 AM 11-05-2010
Man, Walt, I hope things shape up bro. Crossing my fingers bro and just hoping for the best for you.
awsmith4 04:42 PM 11-05-2010
You may want to check and see if Federal assistance is available. Bush passed UI extensions just before he left and last I heard Obama extended them. Not sure if this applies but worth checking
klipsch 03:30 PM 11-06-2010
I just wanted to chime in here in case somebody is thinking "how do you collect unemployment if you're filing for SSDI?" It's all on the up and up. Granted...with the economy in the crapper the way it is, it's like seven moons, three planets and the next galaxy being in alignment. But I'm not trying to screw or get around the system...I gave that up about 3 years after I stopped drinking and getting high.