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General Discussion>Happy Back To The Future Day!
AD720 08:34 AM 11-05-2010

replicant_argent 08:39 AM 11-05-2010
wow... production values and direction of trailers has come a looooong way, hasn't it?
McSmokey 08:39 AM 11-05-2010
I need to get back to 1985!!!
kelmac07 08:40 AM 11-05-2010
Hello McFly!!!
Skywalker 08:50 AM 11-05-2010
I watched Part III last night!!!:-)
The Poet 03:32 PM 11-05-2010
I saw Michael J. Fox on Letterman last week (I think it was), and he said his biggest problem was that he kept banging his head against the flux capacitor. Apparently a DeLorean was not designed for such an accessory. :-)
GTsetGO 03:55 PM 11-05-2010
Brutus2600 05:07 PM 11-05-2010
Watched these the other weekend, LOVE this trilogy :-)
sikk50 08:02 PM 11-05-2010
Loooove those movies!

The first one was before I was born though:-)
Jbailey 08:13 PM 11-05-2010
I loved these movies as a kid!

I love the test footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly.