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General Discussion>New iPad OS?
shilala 11:33 AM 11-03-2010
When is it supposed to land?
Between iPhone OS, desktop OS, laptop OS and iPad OS, I'm starting to get painfully confused. I try to touchscreen my laptop and use my desktop keyboard for my iPad.
If I can whittle this down to OS 4 and windows 7, I'll be far less confused. :-)
LasciviousXXX 11:54 AM 11-03-2010
Well the Gold Master release was just pushed 2 days ago so I'm assuming sometime within the next week or so. Apple didn't give a specific release date but its generally soon after the Gold Master release.

LOL at confusing all the iOS's though. I think that's why Apple is trying to mainstream all their OS releases with the upcoming release of Lion
sikk50 11:55 AM 11-03-2010
I believe iPhone OS 4.2 is suppose to be out this month at some point which would lead me to believe iPad 4.2 will as well.

Also, quick note Scott, I don't know if you use your iPhone's weekly alarm system to wake up or not, but if you do there's a glitch with 4.1 that doesn't recognize daylight savings time! I guess a bunch of people in the UK were late for work this week due to it. If you set the alarm on a daily basis it will be fine though.
shilala 07:53 AM 11-04-2010
Thanks guys!!!
I did hear about the alarm glitch, Andrew. I just use a recurring alarm to remind me to take my pills, but Lisa uses hers for an alarm clock on most days. I sent her a link to the article so she can see what happens. She's a geek. She does all the IT stuff for the outfit she works for. I knew she'd be interested. :-)