In the beginning of my cigar career, I sometimes dismissed cigars as “not for me” or even “dog rockets” only because the cigar might have been over-humidified, too young or simply too much for my untrained palate.
I have sampled over 250 cigar brands (counted as Fuente is one, Oliva is one etc.) and I don’t know how many different cigars but I realize now that there are many cigars that I perhaps should give another chance!
For example, I had previously promised myself that I would never again smoke a CAO cigar because of the flat taste of the new l’anniversaire series, the non tasting Gold, the mediocre experience of the MX2 and CX2, the burn issues with all lines and the low “wow to price” factor.
But, when recently making reviews of the Gold, Sopranos and Vision lines for a Swedish online vendor, I realized that those could be truly terrific cigars. A bit pricey of course but really great tasting (especially Vision Prana!).
Hmmm, maybe it's time to burn some Davidoffs and Gurkhas again?
So, what cigars have you re-discovered and what cigars are you thinking about giving a second chance?