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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Looking for some good sites
MICSTOGIE 07:59 AM 10-26-2010
I have been lurking a few days and am kind of new to cigar smoking but new to cigar hobby. I have been to a few sites that sell humidors like premium humidor, famous cigar, cheap humidor, and cigar international. My question is: Which site/which humidor holding 50 - 100 smokes offers the BEST in service & quality? Reasonable priced too. Your input and wisdom is much appreciated!

BloodSpite 08:31 AM 10-26-2010
This is sort of a mixed bag as I think all of us have used different folks for their boxes.

I had mine made for me while working overseas and it works very well (save for the top shelf still haven't figured out what the deal is there.)

My good friend v00d3w got his via Cigars International and likes his very well. Holds about 150.

A mutual friend of he and I's got his box from a local brick and mortar shop to himself ( if your interested )

If your strictly entry level? My personal advice is to smart smaller like a 50 to 100. Get used to the idea of maintaining it, learn how Rh works and how to balance your 'dor. Just my :-)

If your bound and determined to go for a big box then again start with something simple without many frills. My personal experience has been humidors that are mass manufactured such as Thompsons, or CI with glass or outside drawers have poor seals. Your Mileage May Vary, obviously and I'm sure someone may have had a different experience than myself. I go old fashion and adhere to KISS. Solid wood, no frills, no glass, no drawers all in my mind mean less chance of poor sealing

Dunno if that helps or not but welcome to the party and good luck! :-)
poker 08:35 AM 10-26-2010
Since you're a new member here, I'll save you time & money (sorta:-)). Cut to the chase and get one of these. If you're here, the slide has already begun. :-)
nomadicwookie 08:36 AM 10-26-2010
I've never heard anyone complain about They have a good selection & great prices. You can usually find a great bargain in the "imperfects" section.
CigarNut 09:04 AM 10-26-2010
Originally Posted by poker:
Since you're a new member here, I'll save you time & money (sorta:-)). Cut to the chase and get one of these. If you're here, the slide has already begun. :-)
What he said!!

They may not be pretty, but they are inexpensive, very practicle, and very easy to use!
MICSTOGIE 09:07 AM 10-26-2010
Thanks so far for the input. I am looking for a simple looking box, no glass or drawers and a cooler just won't look good sitting on top of my bar! :-) I have been looking at the imperfects and think that is were I'll be. I have read the "rules" for a humidor and starting with one too small can get overloaded about a 100 count humidor would suit me well.
poker 09:18 AM 10-26-2010
awsmith4 09:18 AM 10-26-2010
Originally Posted by MICSTOGIE:
Thanks so far for the input. I am looking for a simple looking box, no glass or drawers and a cooler just won't look good sitting on top of my bar! :-) I have been looking at the imperfects and think that is were I'll be. I have read the "rules" for a humidor and starting with one too small can get overloaded about a 100 count humidor would suit me well.
You may want to check Cigar Bid, you can often get good deals there on humidors. They are owned by Cigars International which would be another good place to look. Careful though, c-bid could be a main reason you end up needing a cooler. Also on Cigars International is the Make Me An Offer section which could be of use.

Another suggestion would be to watch Cigar Monster. They have cigar deals that change hourly and humidor/accessory deals that change I think every three hours. At 11 or 11:30 every night they also rehash all the deals of the day. I've seen some good prices on humidors before.
dwoodward 12:58 PM 10-26-2010
I would check out

Then find their humidors and check the prices on them. Also as Albert pointed out, you might be able to find something on the Make Me an Offer section. Usually you can save about 40% by using that.
shilala 01:00 PM 10-26-2010
Take your time and don't move too fast. A lot of the brothers may have a good sealing humi available. That might save you some money and trouble.
Then you can start fussing over beads and a hygrometer. :-)