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General Discussion>Need some help
thebayratt 09:27 PM 10-17-2010

Its at 61.4% to the "yes". Hope things work out for ya'll!!
Conch Republican 12:38 PM 10-18-2010
G G 01:20 PM 10-18-2010
G G 01:21 PM 10-18-2010
This poll runs till the 20th so keep em coming, and I really appreciate it guys.
Vigiles 01:26 PM 10-18-2010
Good luck brother. Voted yes.

Local 3756 here, haven't gotten a raise in 3 years, looking like its going to be at least 2 more years until things look up.

Hope you guys get it!
Dave128 03:30 PM 10-18-2010
Yes vote here. As a state employee, I can fully appreciate the opposition from the "tax payers". What they seem to forget is that, even though we are the state or county employees, we still have to pay taxes as well (unless you work for an authority or an agency that is fully funded by the companies you represent).
ucla695 03:41 PM 10-18-2010
Done. :-)
massphatness 03:47 PM 10-18-2010
357 04:19 PM 10-18-2010
Another Yes vote!
Coach Deg 04:38 PM 10-18-2010
Done! It's great being a public servant in foreclosure capitol of the world. And about the taxpayers not getting raises or getting pay cuts- 26% of the homes in Pasco county did not pay their property tax last year!!!!! There is the raises for teachers, police, and emt's. To the government officials I'll forgo my raise for the third year in a row, I'll let you cut even more of my crappy benefits for the third year in a row, let me skip paying property taxes like my neibhors do and have citizens insurance stop raping me!!!

Sorry for the rant!! Thanks for listening!
DMK 04:58 PM 10-18-2010
Originally Posted by MedicCook:

Now bomb Greg.
done & :-)
CasaDooley 07:02 PM 10-18-2010
Voted yes Bro! My thoughts are yes, a lot of people are out of work (myself included), yes, people are working for less, but, if I can help out a brother or sister here, I'm all over it and all for it!:-)
acruce 07:09 PM 10-18-2010
Done, hope it helps you out.
G G 08:09 PM 10-18-2010
Originally Posted by Vigiles:
Good luck brother. Voted yes.

Local 3756 here, haven't gotten a raise in 3 years, looking like its going to be at least 2 more years until things look up.

Hope you guys get it!
Hello brother, Local 4216 here.:-)
G G 08:11 PM 10-18-2010
Thanks for coming through for us my friends. Like I said I think the board is going to approve it, but it cannot hurt to have a poll on our side either.
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