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General Discussion>Twitter BotL/SotL
GreekGodX 12:49 PM 07-29-2009

Decided it was probably smarter(thinking spam) to just let you guys copy and paste my name into the twitter url then have a direct link.
Waynegro1 12:53 PM 07-29-2009
I fear twitter, facespace, mybook, etc.!!!
I used to fear the World Wide Web, but have come to enjoy it's convenience (although I never close both eyes while it's on), plus encyclopedias were getting a bit expensive and shelf space was dwindling rapidy. :-)
GreekGodX 12:58 PM 07-29-2009
Originally Posted by Waynegro1:
I fear twitter, facespace, mybook, etc.!!!
I used to fear the World Wide Web, but have come to enjoy it's convenience (although I never close both eyes while it's on), plus encyclopedias were getting a bit expensive and shelf space was dwindling rapidy. :-)
Jump in for a swim the water is nice!! :-)

For as along as you don't have a jealous gf, trying to have multiple wives/gf's, or lie to people all the social networks are just fine :-)
MajorCaptSilly 08:00 PM 09-01-2009
Follow me on Twitter if you dare!

theonlybear4CORT 08:33 PM 09-01-2009
AzonCigars 03:32 PM 11-13-2009
covetry 04:02 PM 11-13-2009
I am @covetry_blog
CigarNut 09:42 PM 11-13-2009
Mirrorlure7m 01:20 PM 11-17-2009 I will have to keep this thread saved ..
area51 03:42 PM 10-26-2010
replicant_argent 04:14 PM 10-26-2010
Would it be possible to merge the 17 "Do you twaddle/tweet/twit/twattle" threads?
Zens7s 04:21 PM 10-26-2010
I twat. :-) Here's my 140 character blurting location.!/Zens7s
Beklage 06:49 PM 10-26-2010

jonharky 01:30 PM 11-03-2012
Jon harky
Emjaysmash 03:57 PM 11-03-2012
changed mine to mvineburg
bigswol2 07:31 AM 11-04-2012
Yep bigswol2
thebayratt 11:46 AM 11-04-2012
DMK 03:19 PM 11-04-2012
mahtofire14 04:08 PM 11-04-2012

I update MN Twins news (obviously) as well as follow other sports and cigar news.
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