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General Discussion>So, I had my eyes examined....
larryinlc 08:07 PM 10-12-2010
I thought it was time to have the eyes checked. At the age of 54, I've been using the usual reading glasses, but I've had a terrible time with the 2 to 2.5 foot distance from my eyes to the computer screen. I was fitted for a pair of .75 diopter glasses and I can only say, what the heck took me so long? I haven't seen this good in a couple years. This is got to be my greatest purchase of the year. This might not seem like a big deal to most here, but I feel like I have a whole new set of eyes. It's a great day!:-) Oh, and no signs of glaucoma or cataracts and my distance vision is 20/20.

J0eybb 08:10 PM 10-12-2010
Chingas 08:10 PM 10-12-2010
Thats excellent Larry. Good news Brother. Enjoy your new found love for vision!:-)
Skywalker 08:14 PM 10-12-2010
Age takes that vision from us a day at a time and we don't realize it!

Glad you can see better now!!!
hotreds 08:42 PM 10-12-2010
alwayslit 08:47 PM 10-12-2010
I know the feeling. Just got fitted with my first pair of reading glasses....what a difference.
elderboy02 09:25 PM 10-12-2010
Congrats :-)
CigarNut 09:47 PM 10-12-2010
Next step: bifocals!
rizzle 09:11 AM 10-13-2010
Don't remind me. I've GOT to go have me eyes checked. And I know they ain't right. But congrats on your newfound vision, and thanks for nudging me a little, too. :-)