x man 10:16 AM 10-11-2010
I just remembered, no mail on Columbus Day.
Enjoy the day to all mi Italia paisans.
replicant_argent 10:36 AM 10-11-2010
doh.. I suppose the 2 netflix in the box with the flag up should come back in, then.
elderboy02 10:58 AM 10-11-2010
Dang! I have some stuff in route
waffle 11:03 AM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Dang! I have some stuff in route :-)
C'mon, we just talked about this Saturday!! And these "holidays" are aggravating as I still have to be at work
Bunker 11:06 AM 10-11-2010
kelmac07 11:13 AM 10-11-2010
I hate knowing I have stuff enroute and there is no mail!!
:-) But hey, Post Office folks need a day off too!!
dwoodward 11:35 AM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
I hate knowing I have stuff enroute and there is no mail!! :-) But hey, Post Office folks need a day off too!!
The funny thing is that they get every holiday off while the rest of us only get 3-4 off a year.
hscmit 11:35 AM 10-11-2010
post offices and banks more holiday days then anyone
forgop 11:59 AM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by hscmit:
post offices and banks more holiday days then anyone
Don't forget government employees as well.
thebayratt 05:36 PM 10-11-2010
I felt like a fool about till about an hour ago when I finally gave up on the mailman.... I checked the box 3-4 times before I realized what day it is.....
I work in retail, so we only close 2 days a year; Thanksgiving and Christmas... But I got a month of paid time off tho I can take.
688sonarmen 05:41 PM 10-11-2010
Should make for a busy day on the "show off your..." thread
Ferrari5180 08:39 PM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by x man:
I just remembered, no mail on Columbus Day.
Enjoy the day to all mi Italia paisans.
Grazie. You too bud.
LostAbbott 09:38 PM 10-11-2010
UPS still brought my sampler box of "V"'s today!