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Jokes>New Tornado warning instructions for Dallas citizens.
nozero 07:25 PM 09-23-2010
I heard it said that the people of Dallas are being told "in case of a tornado warning to head to the Cowboys Stadium where the danger of a touchdown would be highly unlikely.
Whee 07:31 PM 09-23-2010

He shoots! He scores!!:-):-)
kelmac07 11:27 PM 09-23-2010
Badda bing!! :-) :-)
Ogre 01:58 PM 09-25-2010
Now that funny, dont care who you are, thats funny.
CasaDooley 02:05 PM 09-25-2010
Silound 01:03 PM 09-29-2010
It was announced today that Jerry Jones has sold the Cowboys and withdrawn all the proceeds from the bank in the form of $1 bills. When asked why he would do such a thing, he was heard to remark,

"At least even in this crappy economy I can still get four quarters from a dollar bill"