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Sports>AJ Smith, Lord Of The No rings
Resipsa 06:26 AM 09-23-2010
Heard his on ESPN this morning and burst out laughing!

This is what the other GMs call him:-)

Guy bites off his nose to spite his face to not trade VJ and now will wind up wit nada

replicant_argent 06:39 AM 09-23-2010
ESPN, trade, nose, GM, troops room?
I must be abysmally slow this morning, let me go reboot, there, Cupcake...
pnoon 06:42 AM 09-23-2010
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
ESPN, trade, nose, GM, troops room?
I must be abysmally slow this morning, let me go reboot, there, Cupcake...
Got it.

Off to the Sports forum you go.

Resipsa 06:43 AM 09-23-2010
Sign of our times brother, lol. Ole fashioned tv not the interwebs
Resipsa 06:44 AM 09-23-2010
Oops thanks petes
shilala 07:35 AM 09-23-2010
VJ had zero footing and thinks WAY too much of himself.
If anything, I think AJ sent him a really big message that might help Jackson down the road.
I commend AJ for having the balls to do it. Maybe it's the start of something that'll set the Chargers on track. When players run the team, that team becomes the Bengals. :-)
yourchoice 08:54 AM 09-23-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
If anything, I think AJ sent him a really big message that might help Jackson down the road. I commend AJ for having the balls to do it. Maybe it's the start of something that'll set the Chargers on track.
Sending a message is one thing...not helping your team? That's another. Not trading him doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but what do I know? :-)
Resipsa 09:50 AM 09-23-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
VJ had zero footing and thinks WAY too much of himself.
If anything, I think AJ sent him a really big message that might help Jackson down the road.
I commend AJ for having the balls to do it. Maybe it's the start of something that'll set the Chargers on track. When players run the team, that team becomes the Bengals. :-)

Originally Posted by yourchoice:
Sending a message is one thing...not helping your team? That's another. Not trading him doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but what do I know? :-)
Granted, my being pissed off has aarge
Part to do with the fact that V. Jackson is
On my FF team But the fact of the matter seems to be that the other GM's in the league seem to have a low opinion of him,'and that certainly factors into trade talks. His failure, or refusal, to deal Jackson is just shooting himself in the foot, again
Resipsa 09:59 AM 09-23-2010
And I agree with Joel. It's supposed to be about helping your team, your ego shouldn't be involved. AJ at this point in time has to his credit trading away 2 QBS who went on to win SB's without him (how many can say that), all the while coddling bad seed linebackers and a qb who, while he may have some talent will never win a SB because he just has a bad attitude and a perennially chip on his shoulder. I just don't see what " message"'Smith is trying to send, Scott
Gophernut 11:30 AM 09-23-2010
Originally Posted by Resipsa:
And I agree with Joel. It's supposed to be about helping your team, your ego shouldn't be involved. AJ at this point in time has to his credit trading away 2 QBS who went on to win SB's without him (how many can say that), all the while coddling bad seed linebackers and a qb who, while he may have some talent will never win a SB because he just has a bad attitude and a perennially chip on his shoulder. I just don't see what " message"'Smith is trying to send, Scott
I think he's trying to say that TEAM is greater than any one player. He might actually get that point to this team, however for the future when another free agent is being courted by a couple of teams, if one of them is SD, where do you think the free agent will wind up? Assuming the offers are equal. I think it sends a message that Smith wants loyalty, while providing none. (See LT)
Wanger 08:09 AM 09-24-2010
I think it was a bad move for his team. Great, he sent a message. Big deal. In the long run, it will hurt his team more than help it, though. I agree with gophernut, when he says that this message will steer FAs away from heading to SD.

From what I understand, he had at least an offer for a 2nd plus a conditional pick. He turned that down. When Jackson leaves next year, the Chargers will get a 3rd round sandwich pick. Hmmmm...a second and amybe another one or a 3rd round sandwich. Maybe he thought that "sandwich" meant they'd get free catered food for a year.
shilala 09:05 AM 09-24-2010
Originally Posted by Resipsa:
And I agree with Joel. It's supposed to be about helping your team, your ego shouldn't be involved. AJ at this point in time has to his credit trading away 2 QBS who went on to win SB's without him (how many can say that), all the while coddling bad seed linebackers and a qb who, while he may have some talent will never win a SB because he just has a bad attitude and a perennially chip on his shoulder. I just don't see what " message"'Smith is trying to send, Scott
Vic, my thought is that he might be starting to purge the cancer, at least in his own mind. It remains to be seen if he does a 180 and changes his whole style. One that builds a team instead of a mass of talented individuals.
If he'd send Phillip Rivers to work at a 7-11, that'd be another nice move. hing is, he can't. If he got rid off that tumorous asshole, he'd get run out of town. (I agree Rivers is a trememndous talent. It's only eclipsed by what a huge dick he is.)
I'm a firm believer that management has to run a team, not players. They have to be fair, too. To an extent.
I'd put out the Steelers organization as an example, citing Plaxico and Santonio, all the way back to Greg Lloyd, Rod Woodson, and all sorts of players they've let go over the years, beit money or attitude.
They have rules. They're static. They're no bullsh!t. When your dollar to age ratio puts you on the edge, you're gone. The loyalty only remains till a player hits that ratio and they're outta there. They don't deal money during the season. They don't negotiate holdouts. (Granted all that goes out the window now that they've decided to keep the Raper in town, a move that baffles me to no end. I'm waiting to see what the Rooney's are thinking. I still think they'll move him this season. Ben really has them over a barrel.)
Anyways, my thought is that AJ might just be turning his way of thinking around. Even if it's gonna cost the team because of spitefuless. Maybe he's had a gutful and wants things to change, he just doesn't know how to do it. Trying to change will likely get him run out of tow, but if he gets time to develop a hard nosed management style, he'll get picked up.
San Diego is a team full of talent, have been forever. They're just so full of bullsh!t they can't see the Superbowl for the turds.
In a lot of ways, Dallas and Cinncinnati are much the same. All dollars and no sense. :-)

Mind ya, that's just my opinion. You guys are a lot closer to the news there than I am. :-)