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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Large cabinet sealing help..I really need it.
e-man67 10:55 AM 09-22-2010
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Ha ha Eric! You are going to have to buy more cigars. The 4 boxes you have now aren't going to cut it! :-)
If you didn't smoke all crap I would take some of yours! :-):-)
rharris 10:59 AM 09-22-2010
Shilala would be a good one to ask about this. He has alot of experience with fixing leaks in humis.
secretsquirrel 02:09 PM 09-26-2010
That cabinet is huge!!! like dans head!!
Bill86 02:35 PM 09-26-2010
WOW that's a 7 foot tall cabinet O_O. Nice, good luck filling that beast.
muhren 02:51 PM 09-26-2010
Originally Posted by Bill86:
WOW that's a 7 foot tall cabinet O_O. Nice, good luck filling that beast.
I actually got one from the same guy Eric did...I failed miserably at filling it. :-) But, it does look cool!

Lets see how he does filling his! :-)

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