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General Discussion>Amazing aurora pic
Blueface 11:41 AM 09-17-2010
Originally Posted by STEVE S:
we could see the northern lights when i lived in up-state new york!!
No doubt.
The show just gets more brilliant and prominent as you go north.

Besides, upstate NY IS the north pole to a NJ/FL guy like me.:-)
Blueface 11:44 AM 09-17-2010
Originally Posted by jmsremax:
That is sick! I checked out the website and the pictures of Jupiter are awesome.
I love what the photo of Jupiter and the four moons says:
For the individual planets shots I used a DMK 41AF02 monochrome camera and a DBK41AF02 color camera, both from The Imaging Source attached to my WO FLT110 f/6.5 refractor through a Televue Powermate 2,5x. For the wide-field picture, I used a Canon Eos 5DMkII at prime focus

Even for a photographer, that stuff sounds like a foreign language.:-)
sikk50 11:53 AM 09-17-2010
I would like to see the northern lights in person one day. They always fascinated me
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