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General Discussion>Work, work, work
Mystophales 01:44 PM 11-07-2008
If anyone has wondered why I haven't been very active here well the reason is simply massive OT. I have started a stretch of 84 hour weeks (12 hour days 7 days a week) from 3 weeks ago until Dec. 24.


Well not so much fun but hey my next cigar order is gonna be sick!!! Not Addiction type sick but pretty damn big for me...:-)

So what is the longest stretch you have put in and how was your mood by about week 5...:-)
AriesOpusX 02:22 PM 11-07-2008
I've done the 12-14 hour days for 7 days but that only lasted 2 weeks and I lost my mind. I have to agree though the money from all that O.T. helped fill the humi up pretty nice. Usually I do a steady 60-65 hours every week thats just enough for me.
Linus 02:36 PM 11-07-2008
I'm so glad I'm no long an admin. As an instructor, we usually get Mondays "off" (prep day or travel day). Now I do get long stretches where I'm on the road and often forget which city I'm in. Thankfully, haven't had that in a while. Longest stretch was 6 days on the road. :P
markem 02:52 PM 11-07-2008
When I was an operating systems developer for Sperry Univac in the early 1980 (writing in assembly - go Telcon!) the company instituted mandatory 10 hour days. That pissed people off enough that we decide to only work 10 hour days. I was working probably 70 hours a week at the time and dropped to the required 50 (8am to 6pm M-F and managers did a head count at that time).

We didn't get overtime. When I went to work for Boeing in 1984, I was surprised to find that they had to pay overtime due to the federal rules for military contractors.