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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Famous Smoke Lighter Sale
QUAZY50 09:53 AM 09-08-2010
Famous Smoke is having a lighter sale, so I figured I might as well get a good lighter if they are on sale. I don't know which one to get thought. I kind of just want to go with one of the $12.95 ones as I am on a budget. Any suggestions?
TXRebel 11:04 AM 09-08-2010
I've had good luck with my Blazer PB207.

Although Xikar has a life time warranty.
JDTexan 11:36 AM 09-08-2010
I have three Xikars and love them. I sent two back for various reasons and they replaced them with brand new ones in under two weeks. Highly recommend.
QUAZY50 12:07 PM 09-08-2010
Well due to a recent post with a deal on 3 triple flame torch lighters... I can't really pass that up... Thanks for any input anyway!
bigdix 12:44 PM 09-08-2010
I have a Xikar Exec. and a Blazer PB-207. Since I got the Blazer, the Xikar hardly sees the light of day. The fuel tank on it is smaller, and it isn't visible....I find I have to fill it much more often. Blazer all the way :-)