A lot of us that read this section of the forum will know CHLOË GRACE MORETZ, better known as HITGIRL
from KickAss. Well as it turns out, she has a connection to another movie that I watched about 6 months
ago, a Norwegian or Swedish or some slavic something release about a early teen vampire girl called
"Let the Right One In."
It was a cool movie in and of itself, and I know when it comes out as an American film, it will get shredded.
Already cut for sure is the part where we understand that the "girl" vampire is not a girl at all but a eunuch.
ANYWAY, it seems that the girl chosen to play the girl vampire will be none other than CHLOË GRACE MORETZ.
And with all the vampire crap out there now, one can only hope that it's 50-50 chance of being spurred on or
being totally ignored from vamp fatigue will fall her way.