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Sports>ESPN Fantasy Football- Auction Draft!
Vigiles 09:02 AM 08-31-2010
I wanted to do something a little different, and I've been told once you do an auction draft you will never go back. We will also be auctioning waiver players, so hopefully the experience will be a little more in depth.

We are going to use the honor system here, so you should have a positive trader rating, etc. We will do a 5er from each team to the winner, except for the bottom 3 teams who will send 10 to 2nd place, and 5 to 3rd. (think in the 5-8 dollar price range) Also, (i saw this on another thread, thought it was a great idea) I'll throw in a 5er to the winner of the losers bracket.

Draft date is set (for now) on September 8th, at 8pm.

1. Vigiles
Vigiles 07:40 AM 09-01-2010
Bump. If we don't get some people in the next few days, perhaps we will run this year with no prizes, as a test run.
Vigiles 06:53 PM 09-02-2010
bump please
Vigiles 02:25 PM 09-04-2010
Final bump. No buy in for this year if anyone wants to play!