A questions from a pipe smoker in training, Im not sure I like the way that sounds....
One thing I like about the pipe is I can sit it down and come back to finish it later, unlike a cigar. So how long do you guys feel you can let a bowl sit half smoked before the you should dump it.
jm0307 11:25 AM 11-06-2008
Due to my always smoking before going to sleep, I often left bowls sitting overnight to be finished the next morning. I found no significant deterioration of flavour. However, I would not leave the bowl uncleaned for too long as your pipe will need to breathe rather sooner than later in order to dry out, particularly if you have a small rotation. A sour pipe tastes awful and is difficult to remedy.
Hydrated 12:28 PM 11-06-2008
Some tobaccos change character and even get better if you use DGT... Delayed Gratification Technique.
Experimentation is key. (That's my superior sounding way of saying "I don't know.")
petewho 04:12 PM 11-06-2008
Just the other day I was working from home, I set down my pipe to take a phone call, walked inside the house and was on the phone for 45 min, then ate lunch. Came back to my pipe about an hour after setting it down and it was fine. No problems.
Mister Moo 06:17 PM 11-06-2008
Originally Posted by Dgar:
... how long do you guys feel you can let a bowl sit half smoked before the you should dump it.
Minutes (often) to hours (sometimes) to overnight (once - it was OK). Whatever.
Hydrated 10:49 PM 11-06-2008
Originally Posted by Mister Moo:
Minutes (often) to hours (sometimes) to overnight (once - it was OK). Whatever.
What Moo meant to say was "Experimentation is key."
Mister Moo 07:21 AM 11-07-2008
Originally Posted by Hydrated:
What Moo meant to say was "Experimentation is key." :-)
I meant to say that but what I actually said was, "Some sonsabinnitchers are too lazy to empty and clean a half smoked pipe before turning in for the night."
And, sonnnavabinnitcher, I did it again yesterday with half a bowl of 1792/Dark Kendall Flake. In fact it smoked about the same as the day before once the pipe got warmed up. Punchy stuff, fresh or stale.
:-) Which is what Hydrated meant to say in his awesome review of the same tobacco. T'is, t'isn't it?
Hydrated 08:47 AM 11-07-2008
Originally Posted by Mister Moo:
And, sonnnavabinnitcher, I did it again yesterday with half a bowl of 1792/Dark Kendall Flake. In fact it smoked about the same as the day before once the pipe got warmed up. Punchy stuff, fresh or stale. :-) Which is what Hydrated meant to say in his awesome review of the same tobacco. T'is, t'isn't it?
I'm way too wimpy to smoke 1792 again. I admit that I'm sceered!
To quote Roberto Duran... "No mas!"
Originally Posted by Hydrated:
I'm way too wimpy to smoke 1792 again. I admit that I'm sceered! :-)
To quote Roberto Duran... "No mas!"
I'm a newbie, and the only tin I own is the 1792, just bought it a few days ago. I have smoked one bowl but is was a 50/50 mixture 1792 and 2010 a bulk McClelland blend, a straight VA flake.... It was good, but I didnt get the physchedelic trip Hydrated did when he tried the 1792.
I'm looking foprward to trying the 1792 straight, Hydrated, I read your review, and was a little nervous about smoking it straight, but hey If Moo can smoke it straight, Im thinking alls good
Mister Moo 09:50 AM 11-07-2008
Originally Posted by Dgar:
...If Moo can smoke it straight, Im thinking alls good :-)
I don't happen to like high-nicotine intake. I love coffee but don't actually drink a lot of it. Same with pipes tobak - I like the stuff but I don;t smoke five bowls/day, either.
I have read a lot of comments about the nicotine kick-butted'ness of the 1792. I found it VERY punchy in the flavor department but not dizzy-making or barf-inducing in strength. Now, it is strong-ish but, I think, the nicotine content (whatever it is) PLUS the very full bodied flavor PLUS the propensity of this flake to make A LOT of smoke conspire to make 1792 more than the sum of its parts.
That said, I wouldn't start with my biggest pipe, on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.
:-) Start with a modest amount and smoke it meditatively, not steam locomotively. Is my advice.
(Also, Hydrated is old and very fragile and he has delicate sensibilities.)
peter_c 05:28 PM 11-07-2008
I hear about all these tobacco kinds that I want to try. Is there some kind of note pad on the site that I store the names on.
Mister Moo 05:52 PM 11-08-2008
Originally Posted by peter_c:
I hear about all these tobacco kinds that I want to try. Is there some kind of note pad on the site that I store the names on.
There is such a place elsewhere.
Python 09:08 PM 11-08-2008
I have left half smoked bowls for a week before. Depending on the blend, sometimes they were good, other times not so good.