maninblack 09:15 PM 08-14-2010
I am a vinyl fanatic and was just wondering if anyone else here had the same obsession. I love the sounds on vinyl. The hisses and the pops and all the imperfections. Nothing like throwing some classic Stones or Springsteen on the turntable and smoking a good cigar! I use a Stanton t92 and it kicks serious ass.
lovenhim 09:32 PM 08-14-2010
I too like the sound of vinyl. I have never owned a proper playback system because of the cost. I do however enjoy entry level/budget "high end" audio. Right now where I am living I have a Tivoli Audio model two with matching model subwoofer. It is a fantastic little system.
Chingas 09:40 PM 08-14-2010
I love vinyl. Only listen when I can at friends houses, stores, etc. I'm not setup yet and all the vinyl I have, has been ruined.
In the coming year or two I plan on making the proper purchases and building a solid collection. Perhaps I can consult some of you for equipment recommendations when the time comes?
smokin5 12:31 AM 08-15-2010
Oh yeah, I still have about 800 records from my youth
that I play. And hundreds of reel-to-reels recorded
from other albums, preserving all the pops & hisses
for posterity. Not to mention my cassettes.
If you have analog tape capabilities, I could make some
cassettes or reels for you. Give me a holler.
mariogolbee 12:39 AM 08-15-2010
akumushi 01:03 AM 08-15-2010
I like the sound of vinyl on records originally made in analog; they sound warmer, more rustic and well, simply the way they ought to sound on vinyl. The nice thing is, a lot of classical, jazz and more obscure pop albums were never remastered and put out on CD or MP3, so there is some stuff that you simply just can't get unless you get it on vinyl. I don't really understand the people who go out and buy new, digitally recorded music that's made on vinyl though, that's just silly to me
:-) but hey, maybe they're a DJ and want to use it for sampling and turntable-ism. Thank God for Hip Hop, or else vinyl would have been dead long ago! I went into target the other day and couldn't believe that they were selling record players again. All that said, for new recordings, I can't say it gets any better than SACD or DVD Audio, I just wish I had the coin to invest in that shiz
maninblack 08:49 AM 08-15-2010
Originally Posted by Chingas:
I love vinyl. Only listen when I can at friends houses, stores, etc. I'm not setup yet and all the vinyl I have, has been ruined.
In the coming year or two I plan on making the proper purchases and building a solid collection. Perhaps I can consult some of you for equipment recommendations when the time comes?
Sure thing Chingas! Anything to help a man enjoy his music!