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General Discussion>Questions about playing streaming audio offline/question about repair?
kzm007 02:51 AM 08-12-2010
Is it possible to allow streaming audio to buffer while I'm connected online, and then play it later while I am offline?

If so, or even if I have to be online is there software or a program besides Audacity that would allow me to download the audio to my hard drive? it's contained within an Adobe Flash playlist.

Lastly, I have a few files that have pops or aural damage in one of the two channels. Could somebody walk me through correcting this, if there is a way to, or maybe do it for me?

I'm more than happen to give you something in return for this task.

Thank you in advance for your assistance -

kzm007 03:16 AM 08-12-2010
I want to add that the file is a Shockwave object, so the extension is .swf