waffle 07:08 PM 08-03-2010
So, I decided this was too awesome not to get... powder coated chocolate brown
:-) it'll look AMAZING on my outdoor table.
ucla695 07:46 PM 08-03-2010
Beeee-oooooo-tiful. Mine chromy has been going strong for years!! Enjoy!
Goldie 10:44 PM 08-03-2010
I like the looks of that Stinky. Nice pickup
bsmokin 10:52 PM 08-03-2010
Originally Posted by Chingas:
Looks Great Larry. What is this "Project" you speak of?
I need one of these too I think... too bad they're not for sale on the devil site...
Originally Posted by jmsremax:
I def like the powdercoat look! Same price as the stainless?
It cost a little bit more, but well worth it!!!
Originally Posted by Chingas:
Looks Great Larry. What is this "Project" you speak of?
Working on a "Man Cave". Will post pics when done.
CigarNut 08:19 PM 09-11-2010
Not sure I would want to take the chance of getting ash in my ice cream...
dwoodward 09:34 PM 09-11-2010
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
Not sure I would want to take the chance of getting ash in my ice cream...
On a side note tho, the stinky is missing one of the cigar holders on the side.
warren G. 09:59 PM 09-11-2010
Originally Posted by Tank:
I too use a stinky! They simply rock!
nice seamaster
Emjaysmash 10:32 PM 09-11-2010
I want one. I dont need it, but I want it! LOL
dwoodward 11:07 PM 09-11-2010
We were actually having a herf at Cordova Cigars in Pensacola, FL. Matt-N-GA was there too. All we had were small styrofoam bowls so........well..............I improvised.
dwoodward 02:57 AM 09-12-2010
Originally Posted by Tank:
We were actually having a herf at Cordova Cigars in Pensacola, FL. Matt-N-GA was there too. All we had were small styrofoam bowls so........well..............I improvised.
Styrofoam bowl wasn't big enough to feed the TANK? LOL!
BigAsh 09:14 AM 09-12-2010
Originally Posted by Tank:
I too use a stinky! They simply rock!
And they have multiple purposes.
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
Not sure I would want to take the chance of getting ash in my ice cream...
Living dangerously!.....Nice!!
Chingas 10:50 AM 09-12-2010
I see nothing wrong with this!