Frightened people on the U.S. side of the border called emergency dispatchers after hearing the gunfire, Laredo police spokesman Joe Baeza said Thursday. But he said there was no spillover violence.
"We were getting reports from people who live on the river's edge that they could hear gunfire and explosions from the Mexico side," Baeza said.
"We didn't have any incidents on the American side. It's hard for people to understand who don't live here," he added. "They're not Vikings, they're not going to invade us, it doesn't work that way." :-):-):-)
The entire article:
gettysburgfreak 11:55 AM 07-22-2010
my friend works in Laredo doing the same thing I do and when I visited him on Thursday he said they hear gun fire all the time on the Mexican side. Unfortunately its a way of life that hopefully stays on that side.
kydsid 12:17 PM 07-22-2010
Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak:
my friend works in Laredo doing the same thing I do and when I visited him on Thursday he said they hear gun fire all the time on the Mexican side. Unfortunately its a way of life that hopefully stays on that side.
And you didn't call for a herf?
That said Baeza, oy that dude. Not that he isn't right though, for the most part.
gettysburgfreak 01:54 PM 07-22-2010
Originally Posted by kydsid:
And you didn't call for a herf?
That said Baeza, oy that dude. Not that he isn't right though, for the most part.
I was only down for a couple of hours, wish I had more time but I will try and get back down there before I leave texas in november.
kydsid 02:01 PM 07-22-2010
Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak:
I was only down for a couple of hours, wish I had more time but I will try and get back down there before I leave texas in november.
Hurry up I leave at the end of August. Got a promotion and new job in Houston.
mahtofire 02:04 PM 07-22-2010
Nice, however with our border issues it wouldn't take much to invade....
E-Tx Surveyor 06:00 PM 07-22-2010
Pretty disheartening, something needs to be done and quickly.
My company actually dropped its firearm policy which didn't allow us to have any weapons on us or in the trucks when we started working close to the border.
gettysburgfreak 01:42 AM 07-23-2010
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Hurry up I leave at the end of August. Got a promotion and new job in Houston.
Congrats on the promo. What agency?