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Entertainment>Time waster extraordinary!
hotreds 08:07 PM 07-07-2010
dubnick 09:11 PM 07-07-2010
That was fun!!!!

I crushed all the castles!!!!
elderboy02 09:16 PM 07-07-2010
After the 3rd level it gets pretty hard.
dubnick 09:18 PM 07-07-2010
Just spent an hour playing....

:-)l :-)l
thebayratt 09:42 PM 07-07-2010
Love the game.
Not as hard as the "demolition' game, but a good waste of 30-45 minutes.
kelmac07 09:54 PM 07-07-2010
Wasted some time. :-)
Gargoyle 10:36 PM 07-07-2010
I like how there are big red explosions, followed by upbeat majestic music.
waffle 09:01 AM 07-12-2010
This is now on my phone, so now not only am I wasting time in front of the puter, but whenever I have my phone with me too.... thanks :-) :-)
benedic08 09:25 AM 07-12-2010
WOW! Time flies by really fast while playing this game..... :-)
T.G 09:36 AM 07-12-2010
Bummer, nothing happens when you release straight up and have the payload come straight down on you.
KenyanSandBoa 10:16 AM 07-12-2010
Originally Posted by T.G:
Bummer, nothing happens when you release straight up and have the payload come straight down on you.
:-):-):-)...I tried to do the same thing.
Volt 11:55 AM 07-12-2010
Hugh, your an evil man :-)
shilala 12:49 PM 07-12-2010
That was fun, Hugh.
I play Angry Birds a lot. It gets crazy hard, and I've been stuck for quite awhile.
It's the same thing, it's a physics based game, I play it on the iphone. Graphics are a lot better, but it's basically the same deal.
Samsquanch 12:56 PM 07-12-2010
Great, I didn't really need an excuse not to get any work done today!! :-)
macsauce13 01:19 PM 07-12-2010
If you have an iPhone, get Angry Birds, its essentially the same game. Way better, and totally worth it!
waffle 01:21 PM 07-12-2010
Originally Posted by macsauce13:
If you have an iPhone, get Angry Birds, its essentially the same game. Way better, and totally worth it!
Nooooo! Not another time waster... this is bad bad bad!
GKitty 08:56 AM 07-14-2010
If any of you are at risk of being productive today, this game should stop you. :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 09:33 AM 07-14-2010
Originally Posted by GKitty:
If any of you are at risk of being productive today, this game should stop you. :-)