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General Discussion>Dell "lollipop" commercial, WTF
catfish2 09:24 PM 07-04-2010

Every time I see this commercial I keep thinking the same thing. I want to know if any of you guys see it also. The commercial starts off in the dark. What are the computer factory workers doing in the dark? The lights come back on and we see one of the workers standing there singing “lollipop”. The next thing you know another guy who was bent over in front of the first guy pops up. On top of all of this he’s putting his bib overalls back on. What was he doing bent over in front of the first guy with his bibs undone? What is the meaning behind this ad? Do you guys see the same thing?
mariogolbee 09:30 PM 07-04-2010
BigFrank 09:48 PM 07-04-2010
catfish2 09:57 PM 07-04-2010
Is that what they call a Bro-mance?
T.G 10:41 PM 07-04-2010
Originally Posted by catfish2:
Is that what they call a Bro-mance?
If you have to ask...

Maybe that will help clear it up for you.
MedicCook 10:43 PM 07-04-2010
I want to know how they make a computer out of a pile of colored dog crap? If all it takes is hitting a pile of dog crap with a tennis racket to have a brand new Dell computer I need to find some dogs.
thebayratt 12:23 AM 07-05-2010
The commercial and the song makes me want to slam my head into the wall....... im tired of hearing it. It makes me NOT want to buy a Dell anymore!
Bromance doesn't sell me jack
A little Girlmance............ well then, whatcha selling?!?!?!?!????
catfish2 07:10 PM 07-05-2010
At least I'm not the only one that sees what I see. I never realized that the computers were made out of colored dog crap. Thats just another reason to buy Apple.