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Jokes>A Joke in the Spirit of July 4th
Powers 07:33 PM 07-03-2010
Our most humorous president by far was our sixteenth, Abraham Lincoln. In the spirit of our Independence Day, this is a joke Lincoln liked to tell to his guests:

Revolutionary War hero Ethan Allen traveled to England shortly after Britain lost her "colonies." Still embittered over the defeat, his English hosts routinely took pot shots at George Washington in an attempt to get a rise out of Allen. For every sly remark the Brits through at him, Allen remained calm.

Finally the Brits devised a plan: Put a portrait of the American General and First President in the outhouse. After pressing numerous rounds of tea on Allen, he finally asked to use the privy, to which his delighted English hosts pointed him to the direction.

When Allen sat down after visiting the outhouse without saying a word, the Brits could take it no longer.

"What did you think of the portrait of General Washington we put in the privy, Mr. Allen?"

"I thought it was quite appropriate to be honest. Because nothing makes an Englishman sh*t harder or faster than staring into the eyes of George Washington." :-)

Have a Happy July 4th!!!

Chingas 09:27 PM 07-03-2010
I cant picture myself retelling this joke but I found it funny. If only I had some English friends...damn.
G G 09:53 PM 07-03-2010
mariogolbee 10:31 PM 07-03-2010
kelmac07 10:35 PM 07-03-2010
:-) :-)
Skywalker 12:58 AM 07-04-2010
BlackDog 09:30 AM 07-04-2010
Ha ha ha! :-)

I always enjoyed this quote from Lincoln, when he was once served a hot brown beverage:

"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee." ~ Abraham Lincoln