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Sports>Any Referee's out there?
kgoings 12:26 PM 06-17-2010
I have been wanting to get certified and start refing. Just wondered if anyone else was a ref? The first sport I am looking at is Wrestling. But I might do other sports too.
markem 12:28 PM 06-17-2010
Here's a great place for some information

I'm not a ref but I yell at them on TV
kgoings 12:44 PM 06-17-2010
Originally Posted by markem:
I'm not a ref but I yell at them on TV
That is HILARIOUS! :-) :-) :-)
J0eybb 12:45 PM 06-17-2010
I ref'd some local adult leagues. I was never certified or anything like that though. I still hate refs though. jussayin' :-)
Gophernut 01:01 PM 06-17-2010
I have done some reffing in the past, basketball, football, and baseball. I haven't done it in a few years due to the parental over involvement. The amount of harrasment just wasn't worth it. I never reffed at higher levels, but after a few years of 5-9 graders, I had no desire to do anymore.
icehog3 02:33 PM 06-17-2010

