MiamiE 04:17 PM 06-16-2010
Originally Posted by Lear31MX:
Just passed in Washington state if you are talking with the phone to your head or texting in your car you will be pulled over and ticked and if you are under 18 (i think) no hands free equipment can be used. I like this new law.
This law exists in Florida as well. Similar at least. Reality is cops, down here at least, have a lot bigger things to respond to. I do think FHP tries to enforce it, but even they are stretched thin.
Mindflux 06:50 PM 06-16-2010
Mindflux 06:52 PM 06-16-2010
Mindflux 07:17 PM 06-16-2010
BTW it was a uninsured kid with no license. Using daddys car.
kaisersozei 08:31 AM 06-17-2010
I'm not sure what I'm looking at, is that the damage to the car? If so it fortunately looks extremely minor and shouldnt be too costly or difficult to repair. Glad your wife wasn't hurt.
Mindflux 08:33 AM 06-17-2010
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
I'm not sure what I'm looking at, is that the damage to the car? If so it fortunately looks extremely minor and shouldnt be too costly or difficult to repair. Glad your wife wasn't hurt.
Yeah, I'm glad it's minor too. The bumper is permanently bulged up right in front of the hatch and there are grill impressions/scrapes on the bumper.
It'll likely take a new bumper to fix it, it just sucks that it happened on a car I haven't even had long enough to make a payment.
shilala 08:46 AM 06-17-2010
How's the little woman today, Ryan? The day after is usually pretty sore. I sure hope she's feeling okay.
Mindflux 08:48 AM 06-17-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
How's the little woman today, Ryan? The day after is usually pretty sore. I sure hope she's feeling okay. :-)
She's going in for another Chiropractic adjustment this morning, so I have a little baby duty coming up.
It could have been a lot worse, so I'm thankful that everyone is safe.
shilala 08:53 AM 06-17-2010
Originally Posted by Mindflux:
She's going in for another Chiropractic adjustment this morning, so I have a little baby duty coming up. :-)
It could have been a lot worse, so I'm thankful that everyone is safe.
That's a relief.
Hopefully Daddy will be putting the boots to that kid's ass today. I'd think he'd be pretty quick to pay for it being his kid put him in a real bad situation liability-wise, especially being your wife got banged up.
In PA we have to carry underinsured/uninsured motorist insurance for times like this. I think the insurance company pays the damage and then goes after Daddy.
Mindflux 08:57 AM 06-17-2010
Originally Posted by shilala:
That's a relief.
Hopefully Daddy will be putting the boots to that kid's ass today. I'd think he'd be pretty quick to pay for it being his kid put him in a real bad situation liability-wise, especially being your wife got banged up.
In PA we have to carry underinsured/uninsured motorist insurance for times like this. I think the insurance company pays the damage and then goes after Daddy.
I have uninsured motorist here too. The kid has no valid US identification (Citizen of Mexico) and only his dad's insurance. It's some tiny ass insurance company too, so I may just file it through mine and get them to sort out the financial aspects so I can get it fixed 'proper'.