Aside from beauty, what makes a pipe a great pipe?
Can you look at a pipe and know without a doubt, that this pipe will be a great smoker no matter who made it?
Can you fine tune a decent pipe into a great smoker or will it always be doomed to be just a decent pipe?
I guess by looking at the thickness of the bowl, and the shape you can predict what kind of smoke it will have. However, you won't really know until you try it. Obviously there are certain brands that have a reputation but you have to try them out.
Sometimes it's just a hunch. maybe something to do with the grain pattern or design or brand name, but I have several pipes I've purchased that I knew would be good smokers and I'd say I was right about 95% of the time...and sometimes when one isn't smoking that great, it's just a matter of switching the type of tobacco (eng/balk, aro, VA & VA/Per) that you're smoking in it...Marie bought me a beautiful Dunhill Churchwarden that I thought would be great for VA's, Va/Per's, and flakes of those blends and that pipe was just never happy...I switched it to premium aromatic blends and it just puffs away now like a happy little get a feel for it after a while...
Thank you for your input.
I guess I will need to get a lot more bowls under my belt before I have a good idea of what will be great and what won't.
I have dabbled with pipes on and off (mostly off) since the late 80's when I bought a Tinder Box Christmas briar. Unfortunately I have yet to be able to say that I have had a great smoke.
I know that comparing cigars and pipes is like comparing apples and oranges, and I have some definite likes and dislikes with cigars, but I can't say that I have found a pipe tobacco that I love.
I'm not sure if it's the tobacco, the pipe, my inexperience or a combination of all three, but I haven't found a combination that I really look forward to smoking.
I couldn't tell you if I have been using any pipes that would be considered great, but they are well known names such as Peterson, Barling, GBD, Kirsten, Giorgio Orsini and a Meerschaum.
For tobacco, I have McClelland Royal Cajun, around 15 (VA and Aromatic) Cornell & Diehl 1 oz. samples and a couple bags of some Tinder Box mixtures and nothing has made me say, Wow I really like that.
I'm starting to think that maybe my tobacco is too moist since I have never come close to smoking a bowl without a lot of relighting.
I'll keep plugging along until I find something that works, I just hope my tongue holds out against some of this dragon fire.
Thanks again.
Doesn't sound like you're having a good time with your pipes....if you don't mind spending a few $$$ (about $30 or so) I have an idea...go buy yourself a Dr. Grabow Omega...then call the phone number posted on this website...
Ask them to send you a free 1 ounce sample of their blend called Savannah...wait until you receive it to use the Dr. Grabow...when you have both items load the pipe not too loose and not too tight...leave the load sorta springy...let it sit for an hour or two to let the tobacco dry a bit then light should smoke cool and burn easy even if you huff and puff away, and there should be no bite...if you still get bite and/or tongue scorching then perhaps pipe smoking is not for you but I would be surprised if you didn't enjoy this combination...the Dr. Grabow's come pre-smoked from the factory and require almost no break-in...the Savannah is a mild aromatic with a pleasant nutty sweet flavor...and it will light up right away and pretty much stay lit all the way down even if you smoke slowly which is the best method...give it a try...
Originally Posted by Neuromancer:
Doesn't sound like you're having a good time with your pipes....if you don't mind spending a few $$$ (about $30 or so) I have an idea...go buy yourself a Dr. Grabow Omega...then call the phone number posted on this website...
Ask them to send you a free 1 ounce sample of their blend called Savannah...wait until you receive it to use the Dr. Grabow...when you have both items load the pipe not too loose and not too tight...leave the load sorta springy...let it sit for an hour or two to let the tobacco dry a bit then light should smoke cool and burn easy even if you huff and puff away, and there should be no bite...if you still get bite and/or tongue scorching then perhaps pipe smoking is not for you but I would be surprised if you didn't enjoy this combination...the Dr. Grabow's come pre-smoked from the factory and require almost no break-in...the Savannah is a mild aromatic with a pleasant nutty sweet flavor...and it will light up right away and pretty much stay lit all the way down even if you smoke slowly which is the best method...give it a try...
Thank you for your help, I'll give it a try because pipes are the only thing I will smoke in the house. As much as I love cigars, to me they really stink the next day.
Thanks again.