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Island (The other ones) Reviews>"get your feet wet" contest winnings review: Diesel unholy cocktail
alexa071 12:16 PM 06-05-2010
This is my second review of the cigars so graciously offered as winnings in Goldie (Drew's) "get your feet wet contest".

The cigar labeled "2" was a large ring gauge torpedo. It had a dark looking wrapper and felt very firm when I pressed it between my fingers. The wrapper had some slightly larger veins. The cigar had a pungent aroma and smelled spicy.


I clipped around 1/4" of the end again with the double guillotine cutter that Drew was kind enough to provide with the shipment. I should note that I was excited for this cigar because it was my first ever torpedo.

I took a pre-light draw and BAM! I was hit with a peppery taste that struck the back of my palate so hard I actually coughed... really... ask my wife. I could immediately tell that this cigar was going to be a different beast from the La Riqueza. I was pleased, however, to find that the draw had just the right amount of resistance.

Once lit the cigar began emiting a large quantity of smoke and my first puff confirmed my earlier conclusion. This cigar had a kick to it! Immediately and for the 1st third of the cigar I tasted a woody taste that started out bark like but finished up with a cedar taste as it got going. I could taste pepper and I could feel it on the back sides of my tongue.


The burn started very straight and true during the first 1/3rd. Based on how tightly packed the cigar was I was surprised that the ash was actually pretty loose. It unexpectedly fell off just before the end of the first 1/3rd.

The second third of the cigar I began to pick up a more earthy flavor with hints of leather on the back of my palate. I did taste the twinge of pepper throughout the cigar but that seemed to fade more into the background behind the leather as I smoked through the second and final 1/3rd.


I think this picture illustrates well how loose the ash was. I did have to relight the cigar about mid way through the second 1/3rd. You can also see in the picture that the burn line became slightly uneven in the second and final 1/3rds. All in all the cigar lasted for 1 hour and 45 minutes.


I opened the sealed envelope marked #2 to reveal that this cigar was:


Diesel Unholy Cocktail 5" x 56 ring gauge.

Again, I thoroughly enjoyed this cigar. I'm not one to place a number in for a rating as I think my words speak for themselves. This was my first torpedo shaped cigar and it definitely stood out as a new cigar experience (and that was the whole point of the contest).

Thanks again to Goldie (Drew) for the great stick!
Chainsaw13 12:29 PM 06-05-2010
Nice review. Pretty much sums up my experience with the UC's.
kelmac07 01:10 PM 06-05-2010
Damn fine review of a great stick. :-)
Goldie 06:24 PM 06-06-2010
Solid review Randy. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I look forward to the rest of the reviews.
KenyanSandBoa 09:42 AM 06-11-2010
Nice review.

I've two very different experiences with this I hated...absolutely hated. The second time I smoked it I really liked it. I haven't given up on this bad boy yet, so I'll have to give a couple more a shot and see what I get then.