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Sports>Leave Me Alone
blugill 07:42 PM 06-03-2010
I'm Fishin'

Patrick B 07:56 PM 06-03-2010
Awesome pic!
G G 08:57 PM 06-03-2010
kelmac07 09:18 PM 06-03-2010
Love it!! :-)
Salvelinus 09:19 PM 06-03-2010
Careful, you'll be pitching that cigar when you set the hook on a big guy
blugill 09:53 PM 06-03-2010
Caught a four pound cat:-)
BlackDog 01:01 PM 06-04-2010
Huh? No beer? :-)
Lear31MX 01:03 PM 06-04-2010
great pic, looks relaxing:-)
Dave128 01:16 PM 06-04-2010
That's better than sitting in the office any day.
Starscream 03:31 PM 06-04-2010
Have fun!:-)
Ty Atkinson 06:51 PM 06-04-2010
Im going to have to patrol the park to look for cigar smokers
blugill 08:46 AM 06-05-2010
Originally Posted by Ty Atkinson:
Im going to have to patrol the park to look for cigar smokers
I'm usually there when the Shakespeare in the Park rehearsal is going on.
Blueface 09:09 AM 06-05-2010
Steve 10:07 AM 06-05-2010